1: Rare Bicentennial Quarter - A rare quarter worth nearly $28 million has collectors buzzing.

2: Valuable Quarters - 6 more rare bicentennial quarters worth over $50 million USD.

3: Numismatic Treasure - These valuable coins are a numismatic treasure for collectors worldwide.

4: Historical Significance - The bicentennial quarters hold historical significance and are highly sought after.

5: Investment Opportunity - Investing in rare coins like these quarters can yield significant returns.

6: Collector's Dream - Owning one of these rare bicentennial quarters is a collector's dream come true.

7: Hidden Gem - Discovering a valuable coin like this quarter is like finding a hidden gem.

8: Priceless Possession - These rare quarters are considered a priceless possession by collectors.

9: Rare Find - The rarity and value of these bicentennial quarters make them a truly extraordinary find.

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